The ACT Method: How To Set Your Marketing Strategy into Action

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the ACT method for your marketing strategy

Actions speak louder than words.

The infamous phrase is true enough, but how does it apply to your marketing strategy?

It does, we promise.

In order to create a successful B2B marketing strategy, you need to ACT—Attract, Convert, and Transform. 

But before you can do that… 

You need a great BOD—and we’re not talking about muscles.


Your company brand is not just your logo or your business message. It’s the total embodiment of your company—from your employees to your products to the way you conduct your business. If your company brand could be summed up in one word, what would it be? 


The goal of every business is to provide a service or final outcome to their clients and consumers. What’s the outcome that your company helps its clients achieve? Not the process you use but the FINAL result. Sum it up in one line.


What makes your company different than your competitors? And please don’t say price. What makes you inherently different? For example, the online marketing field is a competitive one. However, most companies offer piecemeal services. Some do web design, some consult, and some specialize in B2B SEO. But, no other companies offer all of the strategic and implementation services under one roof—the way we do. That’s one of our key differentiators. We realized that the highest ROI for our clients resides in our ability to provide a turn-key web marketing solution that is customized to their needs! Can you pull out a similar quality about your business that truly separates you from your biggest competitors?

Okay, so now your business has a great BOD…

It’s time to ACT.


We know from the BOD exercise that you have a clearly defined brand that embodies your company—everything from messaging, logo, voice, and color palette are in alignment. You have a clear understanding of your offerings and the outcomes they bring for your clients, and you have pinpointed your differentiators to craft the perfect brand story.

Now it’s time to get that BOD in front of your audience.

This means that you need to know who your audience is, all of their segmentations, where they get their media, and what will appeal to them—what will attract them.

Here are some tactics to get eyes on your BOD: 

  • Social Media Marketing: Build a community and create a following on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more! Cultivate your follower-base by managing that community and performing outreach. 
  • Earned Media i.e. Public Relations: Secure placements in industry and top-tier publications, podcasts, interviews, and more.
  • Blogging: Create content that helps your audience learn more about your BOD and make it easy to locate by using keywords and building your search authority.  
  • SEO/PPC: Build your website’s search authority by improving your rankings on Google and other search engines, and seek out your customer base with targeted paid ads
  • Videos: Video content performs better than pictures and plain text. According to Forbes, some data shows that consumers spend 88% more time on websites with videos, and 64% are more likely to purchase a product after watching a video about it. 
  • Mini-Sites: To market a singular product or service outside of your company website—giving you more places to be seen. 
  • Giveaways: Everyone likes free stuff.
  • Joint Ventures: Team up with other relevant companies. Do you already work with a great company? Add their logo to your website, and ask them to add yours to their website. Follow and like their content on social media and ask that they do the same.


You don’t need to do it all at once. Choose 2 of these ideas, then do your research and implement them consistently? Once they’re attracted, where will they go? To your website.


You’ve attracted them to your website, and the conversion process is imminent, right?

Not necessarily.

Potential customers need at least 27 touchpoints before conversion, according to Forester. Odds are—especially if you are a B2B company—your prospects won’t convert on their first trip to your site, or their second. You need to balance the perusers on the path to conversion with those who are ready to convert ASAP.

You have to cater to people on every spectrum of the marketing rainbow, all at the same time. This means providing great and informative B2B content for those just getting to know your brand, more in-depth content for those who are already familiar and en route to conversion, and content for those that have already converted—blogs, case studies, graphics, testimonials, and more.

We recommend following EMS. 

(Another acronym!? Yes. Bear with us.) 

EMS (The Online Marketing Version of 911): Educate, Market, and Sell   

Some business prospects will need to be educated about your process (educate), others need to know why you are special (marketing), while the rest want to buy (sell).

Whenever someone gets information from your company website, they become consumers.

Not everyone who consumes your company’s information (by signing up for your newsletter, reading your blog, or downloading your article) will become a client of your business immediately. In fact, some of these visitors may never become clients, but they may pass your website on to a friend or recommend you to another colleague who eventually will.

Your company website has to cater to ALL audiences: the consumers, the almost-clients, and the existing (hopefully loyal and ongoing) clients.

The better your ONLINE conversion, the more qualified leads you will have—and that’s how you convert.

Many times, conversion occurs over a period of time. Especially if you are offering a high-ticket product or service. In which case, you will want to attract and nurture leads using online marketing tactics until they are ready to buy.


Congratulations! You’ve converted your prospect.

So, what now? 

You have to deliver.

Once you attract a prospect and turn them into a client, you MUST deliver.

Provide A+ service. Then, gather some sales collateral. 

Related reading: Why Sales Collateral Should Be Part of Every B2B Marketing Strategy—And How To Get It

You did a great job; now make sure you get that on record.

Reviews, testimonials, and case studies are all great and influential types of sales collateral. Build strong client relationships, and your clients will likely be happy to share their two cents. Once you get it, make that two cents stretch by sharing it widely. Post case studies on your website and blog. Share testimonials on your social media. Amplify reviews on your website.

No matter how well known your business or organization is, social proof matters!

The process comes full circle.

Doesn’t this process take a long time? 

It actually saves time. Having a clear plan and process will help you avoid missteps and time-wasters, and it will ensure that you don’t miss out on prospects in the messy middle of their buyer journey. Imagine a game of baseball. Someone is always on first base, second base, and so forth. The same is true for your prospects. Your job is to keep the game going!

Imagine this scenario: A prospective client from Facebook visits your website and signs up for your newsletter. You have already attracted this individual and turned him into a consumer of your information. At the same time, a veteran subscriber of your blog directly buys your new product after listening to a case study. You have a client. Yet, another individual downloads your free whitepaper. This can all happen simultaneously. You are constantly creating leads and visibility for your business online—as long as you are ACTing.

Online, you can move thousands of prospects at different junctures at the same time. All you need are three things: systems, consistency, and integration.

And after you deliver, you need to keep engaging, keep delivering, and use your experiences as data to improve your strategy.

ACT. It’s one three-letter word, and an amazing marketing strategy.

So how the heck are you going to build a great BOD, educate, market and sell, and ACT on top of everything else? We can help. Reach out.


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Day 6: How to Stay Relevant on Dark Social (Extra Credit)

Ready for some extra credit? I’m about to throw you some jaw-dropping stats.

In today’s B2B landscape, thought leadership content is more important than ever.

But B2B brands aren’t going all in. Why?

It isn’t as easy to track as other initiatives.

Here’s the thing, though: 

Even if it’s hard to measure, it’s still meaningful.

According to the 2024 Edelman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report, 52% of decision-makers and 54% of C-level executives spend over an hour a week consuming thought leadership content. 73% report trusting this content more than marketing materials.

And they don’t leave comments. They don’t hit the like button. 

They share it on dark social, privately. 

The impact is undeniable.

75% of decision-makers have explored a product or service they weren’t considering after consuming thought leadership content, and 60% realized their organization was missing an opportunity thanks to it.

If you thought those numbers sounded impressive, wait until you read this: 

90% are more receptive to sales outreach from companies that share consistent, high-quality thought leadership.

86% are more likely to include these companies in the RFP process (seat at the table, anyone?), and 60% are willing to pay a premium to work with them. 

You can’t make this up!

As long as B2Bs continue to choose the merely measurable over the meaningful, they’ll keep missing golden opportunities. Now that you know, you can stop your brand from falling into this trap. Stay vigilant by frequently asking yourself these 4 questions: 

Question 1: How does our thought leadership content support our overall business goals and objectives?

Action: Ensure that your thought leadership content strategy is aligned with your company’s overarching business objectives, such as increasing market share, driving revenue growth, or establishing your brand as an industry leader.

Result: Ensure alignment with business objectives.

Question 2: Does our thought leadership content address the most pressing challenges, questions, and aspirations of our target audience?

Action: Conduct thorough research to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. Develop thought leadership content that provides valuable insights, solutions, and perspectives that resonate with their specific challenges and goals.

Result: Stay focused on customer needs.

Question 3: How can we track and measure the engagement and impact of our thought leadership content, even if it’s not as straightforward as other marketing metrics?

Action: Implement a comprehensive measurement framework that goes beyond simple metrics like likes and comments. Track indicators such as time spent on page, scroll depth, content downloads, newsletter sign-ups, and referral traffic. Use surveys and feedback loops to gather qualitative insights from your audience on how your content has influenced their perceptions and decisions.

Result: Accurately track engagement and impact.

Question 4: How can we ensure that our thought leadership content is effectively integrated with our sales and marketing efforts?

Action: Collaborate closely with your sales and marketing teams to develop a cohesive content strategy that supports the entire customer journey. Use thought leadership content to nurture leads, support sales conversations, and establish your brand as a trusted resource. Provide your sales team with the tools and training they need to leverage thought leadership content effectively in their outreach and interactions with prospects.

Result: Synergistic integration with sales and marketing.

And that’s a wrap! You’ve reached the final email of the 5-Day MBA in PR. Congratulations!

You now know more about earned media and PR than the majority of business leaders out there.

Over the past week, you’ve seriously leveled up your knowledge and your game.

On Day 1, you explored different types of PR and learned how to choose what makes sense for you.

On Day 2, you discovered why a strategic distribution plan is vital to the success of earned media efforts.

On Day 3, you identified a crucial media reframe needed for maximizing visibility.

On Day 4, you figured out how to leverage contemporary events to your advantage. 

On Day 5, you connected the dots between PR and sales. 

And today, you learned why thought leadership content is critical—even if it isn’t as easily directly measurable as other initiatives.

This is enough to make you a very savvy business leader when it comes to PR. You should be able to ask the right questions and start driving results! 

And if you found this e-Course helpful, send it to a colleague! It would be the ultimate compliment. 

But the truth is, I can only go so deep in an email course.

So, if you’re wondering how I can work in a deeper capacity with you, there are a few ways I can be of service: 

  1. I can come speak to your company or industry—not just on earned media but on how to actually stay RELEVANT in a world that is changing at the speed of your feed. I’ve spoken for everyone from NASA to Marriott. You can check my availability here.
  2. You can hire my awesome team at Zen Media to execute on behalf of your brand. Day 1 to Day 5 and then some. Here’s what clients have to say about working with us.

I genuinely hope this has been useful for you in your journey.

This isn’t goodbye, but more of an I’ll see you later!

All the best, 
